Hot tips to get your flight tickets upgraded for FREE!
Upgrades of flight tickets usually occurs when the airlines is overbooked, when flights are cancelled last minute without notification or if you bitch about a mistake they made consistently to the manager over and over again.
Upgrades are like nice surprises, that keeps the travelers happy, which unnoticingly actually lets the airlines create an addiction out of it towards you. Like they say "once you've tasted first class, economy will never be the same"!
First thing you need to do is get yourself a frequent flyer membership card. Almost every airline has its own card nowadays which can be a real pain in the ass. Try to get one from Star Alliance or One World that has more partners in it, which broadens your options of flying. Before upgrading, airlines will give members priority over the rest of the passengers. Of course, nowadays almost everyone has a frequent flyer card. So it helps if you are silver or gold.
Kissing ass is of course one of the oldest methods in the book to get things done. Being nice to the check in staff and requesting to be put on the upgrading list also works the same. (This is subject to availability on the flight)
The price of the tickets purchased, determines the chance of upgrading. For those cheapskates who purchased the cheapest promo economy tickets will have to rely on luck, but for those who have purchased full fare tickets, will have the advantage of getting upgraded if you decide to change your flight schedules, and the plane that you choose is fully booked. Two ways works the same here. Being bitchy or being nice!
What ever it is, good luck on being upgraded!
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