Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or we'd rather call this tongue spinner WEED- which doenst really matter, as it all sounds the same when you get high tho!
Marijuana is the buds and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. Which explains why Marijuana is also called Cannabis.
Who started it all? According to some literature the Chinese have been cultivating Marijuana 2000 years ago. Imagine a "Made in China" on a packet of weed! Everything is made in China!.
The plant Cannabis Sativa, is believed to originate from somewhere in the northern region of Himalayan Mountains. An average plant grows from between 12 to 18 feet, blooms from late summer to mid fall. Theres the male and female flowers, but its the female flowers that you what.Female flowers grow in spike-like clusters and remain dark green for a month after blossoming, until the seed ripens. Hashish or Hash, which is more powerful than marijuana, is made from the resin of the cannabis flowers. The concentration of THC and other cannabinoids varies depending on growing conditions, plant genetics and processing after harvest.
In Cambodia -when ordering at Happy Herb Pizza, you get a choice of your pizza being not so happy, happy, or extra happy. The happier you go, the more marijuana they put inside. And if you go extra happy, the folks at Happy Herb Pizza will take care of you quite nicely.
Smokin IT
Smoke goes in the lungs and is absorbed into your blood stream, THC takes seconds to reach your brain.Initially you would feel relaxed,happy and a "on top of the world" and light headed-ness feel. Your eyes may dilate and become more intense.THC in the brain acts to enhance the senses and feelings. Therefore some users may experience, paranoia or panic after smoking it. THC is known to affect our brain's short-term memory, body coordination, increases your heart rate and raises levels of anxiety.
Eating Marijuana
Marijuana enters the stomach and the
blood absor s it there. The blood then
carries it to the liver and the rest of
the body. The stomach absorbs THC more
slowly than the lungs. When marijuana is
eaten, the levels of THC in the body are lower, but the effects last longer.
Effects of Marijuana (Varies with Users)
• Getting high
• Problems with memory and learning
• Distorted perception
• Difficulty with thinking and problem solving
• Loss of coordination
• Increased heart rate
• Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks
• Severe changes in appetite
• Interrupted sleep or even insomnia
• Mental dependence on the drug(craving to get high)
Initial effects of THC
wears off in the body
after 1 -2 hours.
But the chemicals
stay in your body
for a much longer
time. (3-10 days)1.) Spread the weed evenly across
the rolling paper
2.) Fold the end closest to you toward t
he top of the rolling paper
3.) Fold it while rolling the paper
covered weed in between your fingers
4.) Lick the glue end of the paper
and finish rolling the joint
*make sure you mix it with tobacco. If its too pure, itll make your world spin hell
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