Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mee CRC @ Larut Road, Penang

I must admit, when i do have the craving to feed on some nice mee goreng/ mee rebus, 3 places comes to my mind. And one of it is here at the corner of Larut Road Penang. Its famously known as Mee CRC (because the stall was formerly @ CRC- Chinese Recreation Club).
Mee Goreng (Fried Noodles)/ Mee Rebus (Boiled noodles with gravy) is usually cooked by indians or mamaks (indian muslim).Hence the other name : Indian Mee!

Well Mee CRC along the corner of Larut Road (near hotel Royal), is very much different from the normal type of mee goreng found else where.
The difference?
When you mention Indian Mee in Malaysia, its a choice of either FRIED- mee goreng or WET- mee rebus. The normal indian mee, is reddish in colour due to the dye and also the amount of chilli and tomato sauce used in the gravy mix.

Mee CRC - If you are ordering the goreng (fried) version, its minus the red dye. The noodles are fried with some light seasoning, chopped vegetables, and the usual squid, egg, and soy bean curd. Its different because, instead of the tomato and chili puree taste, you get fresh stir fried tomatoes, chillies and fried tofu, so there is a bit of sweet juicy and raw texture to the side ingredients of the noodles. Making it a surprisingly crunchy, fresh and tasty chew every time you munch down.

Mee Rebus (wet) on the other hand sees a very significant difference. The cooking style is different, as the gravy used in the normal version is very thick and red (with puree, like mentioned above). Mee CRC is splashed over with semi clear egg drop soup, green vegetables, fresh tomatoes, cooked squid,bits of chicken meat, potatoes and bean curd. The soup makes the whole dish really light. It doesn't leave an after thick taste in your mouth.
*Like i said, its a different way of cooking it*

The noodles -whether wet or dry is served with a side dish of chopped up green chillies, and a slice of half a lime.

Some say the lime must be squeezed in before eating, to give it the tangy taste. But i say its optional. For the rebus (wet) version, i prefer it without the lime.


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